How to iron your hair and not die trying?
beauty tips how iron hair not die trying
beauty tips how iron hair not die trying

How to iron your hair and not die trying?

How to iron your hair and not die trying?

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How to iron your hair and not die trying?

How to iron your hair and not die trying? Hair is one of the most beautiful attributes of a woman. Ironing your hair has become a very followed fashion, but you must take precautions and care so that your hair does not suffer from damage due to bad technique.

What do I use to strengthen my hair?

It is important that you apply products that fortify and anchor your hair. Also products that reduce frizz.

How should the hair be before ironing it?

Your hair must be very clean and it is important that it is not damp. Moisture will cause it to dry out and puff up.

Steps for ironing:

1.Apply silicones before ironing to support the heat.

2.Adjust the temperature of the iron according to your hair type.

3.Bend and press your hair into relatively thin strands.

4.Straighten each strand at once, dont stop in the middle. You must wait for it to cool before ironing the next section.

TIP:If you turn the iron at the ends you can shape your hair.

5.When finished, throw your hair back and shake it so that it falls naturally.

TIP:Apply a little balm for shine and softness.

Care and Recommendations:

A.Avoid ironing your hair more than twice a week.

B.Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to prevent dehydrate when you iron it.

Do you want to see an example?

This video is from a girl who shows how she has learned to apply the iron, she is not a hair professional, but she contributes enough valuable information. Enjoy it.


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