Your life ... that wonderful mess
thoughts life wonderful mess
thoughts life wonderful mess

Your life ... that wonderful mess

Your life ... that wonderful mess

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Your life ... that wonderful mess

Your life ... that wonderful mess Hello, I am very happy about your visit. Thanks for reading my words. Today I want to talk to you about a somewhat philosophical topic, do not be alarmed! I will not bore you with a boring class, I want to refer to the essence of this life, what makes it wonderful: the uncertainty, the uncontrollable.

It is true, most of us have suffered a tragedy or serious problem that has damaged us a lot and made suffering, it is normal that we wish things would change, or even that we could have done something to avoid it.

The reality is that the next second of our life is completely unknown to us, anything can happen and most we cannot control it. Now, imagine the next few minutes, hours, days and beyond. Therefore, worrying about the future does not make any sense.

However, there is something that is always under your control: Your attitude to any unexpected event and the reaction you have when that event occurs, if it happens. Mark Twain expressed it very colorfully in his phrase: "I have had thousands of problems in my life, most of which never really happened."

You can decide to live your life in anguish, fearing that misfortunes will ruin your day. and if a problem occurs, regret your misfortune. Or you can, rather, live with optimism and curiosity, of what life will bring you and react calmly and do what you can to solve your problem.

There is no use worrying about a problem. If you cant do something about it, worry is useless. But if there is the possibility of doing something to solve the problem, then your concern is also useless.

So, if your life is a whirlwind of uncontrollable and unpredictable moments, I think the best way to live it is to jump in and be surprised for what your future holds, do what you can to make things to your liking, accept what you cannot change and be grateful for the wonderful miracle of existing. I hope you have a beautiful day.


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