LOW BATTERIES ?: The motivation to keep going
recommendations low batteries motivation keep going
recommendations low batteries motivation keep going

LOW BATTERIES ?: The motivation to keep going

LOW BATTERIES ?: The motivation to keep going

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LOW BATTERIES ?: The motivation to keep going

LOW BATTERIES ?: The motivation to keep going Hello my dear reader. It happens to many of us, that we have activities or goals to carry out, but we simply do not feel the necessary energy to carry them out. As we know that the path is that, but the question arises: Why travel it? Is it worth it?

I want to tell you that the same thing happens to other people. But this is where self-motivation comes into play and the difference between winners and those who decide to let go.

What is your main goal in life?

Do you need one? cause it to motivate you to move forward in your life. Accuracy is important. Define the person you want to become if you carry out the activities that lie ahead.

The size of your dream is important, DO NOT be conformist, a mediocre cause, it will only produce mediocre results. Its okay to set your dreams beyond what you can achieve. Most of the great people who achieved great things in life never achieved all of their dreams, but what they did achieve speaks for itself.

Write your dream clearly, paste it in a place that you frequent, where you can see it. With often, that dream is your north and it is what you need to think about when you are not sure what you are striving for.

You are your only competitor

Whatever you do in your life is only yours. Therefore, the person you compete against is yourself. It is not healthy to compare yourself with what others achieve, because you will always find someone who, in appearance, has achieved more. Focus on yourself, and compare yourself to what you have currently accomplished to move forward.

Have too much to do and dont know whats next?

The key to staying motivated is that Divide your goals into many small sub-goals, small things that dont take you more than a few hours, or the least amount of time possible, to achieve them. As you get small achievements, you will feel more and more motivation to do the following.

Your dreams are vital, the color of your life depends on them. If you feel demotivated, calm down and wait a bit. Remember to think about the main dream and motivate yourself with what you have already advanced. You are your only judge, be patient, have understanding and move on!


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