IDEAL BEAUTY: Unattainable?
thoughts ideal beauty unattainable
thoughts ideal beauty unattainable

IDEAL BEAUTY: Unattainable?

IDEAL BEAUTY: Unattainable?

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IDEAL BEAUTY: Unattainable?

IDEAL BEAUTY: Unattainable? I welcome you and thank you for your visit. I want to talk today about a very widespread topic, IDEAL BEAUTY, I mean that stereotype and unrealistic goal that the media have established as "accepted beauty" if you are not as they say you should be, then, I am sorry, you are not attractive or attractive.

Is it bad to want to be beautiful?

On the contrary, wanting to be beautiful, or to fit the social standard of beauty is not bad in itself. But what is beautiful and what is not is a very subjective categorization, not necessarily what seems beautiful to me, is for someone else. Beauty on a social level is defined as a social agreement that establishes the standards that determine whether an individual is considered beautiful or not. Its funny, but there are cultures that consider "chubby" people as beautiful and it is the ideal of beauty, all girls want to look plump to be beautiful and be considered attractive. Within these cultures the ideal of a skinny woman is considered unhealthy.

If it is normal, then what is the problem?

The problem with the ideal of beauty arises when in a society like ours , the beautiful is determined by consumerism. Physical beauty standards are set that are impossible for most people to achieve. Even, a skin color and physical height is established as the beauty standard, which leaves people of other ethnic groups outside this standard and feeling that luck did not favor them with beauty. When within each skin color, within each type of person there is a special and unique beauty. That is the problem, that unrealistic standard creates a frustration with ones appearance and produces a rejection of who one is.

Social vices, buy this and you will be beautiful

When the media They massively send messages to young minds and say things like: "Get thin, only skinny women are beautiful", "Buy these shoes, only those who wear them look pretty", "If you dont look like this artist, you can consider yourself ugly" , etc. They are negative messages that provoke a need to be someone else, to complain to parents: "Mommy! Why was I born ugly ???". This is unfortunate, shoes, clothes and other things are not bad, but it is necessary for them to teach young people that their beauty is both on the outside and on the inside. That they value themselves for who they are and that they understand that if someone does not consider them beautiful it is because those people are empty and cannot see true beauty.

So who is beautiful?

Everyone we are, the beauty standard is only a social convention, it is false. The physical measurements of the ideal woman are inapplicable to most women of flesh and blood. Every skin color is beautiful in its own context. Physical weight should not necessarily be considered beautiful or ugly. It is true, being overweight produces many diseases, but also malnourished people, obsessed with "beauty" suffer from many physical disorders. You are already a beautiful person. You dont have to do anything or change anything to be beautiful. The best thing you can do is accept yourself as you are. Look in the mirror and think to yourself: "That person I see there is the most beautiful in the world and no one will tell me otherwise." See you later.


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