Few times in life we stop to think about the most important person in the world, you. But Im not talking about simply looking in the mirror and contemplating your pretty face, I mean something more transcendental, to look at yourself and your essence.
Do you know why I say that you are the most important person in the world? Who does not love himself, cannot love anyone else. Sometimes we look at our past and focus on mistakes, mistakes and missed opportunities, we recriminate and condemn ourselves for our actions and we simply end up frustrated and depressed.
Another problem area is when we become aware of those likes or thoughts that we do not consider worthy of a normal person (in quotes). You are you, everything that you have lived and passed happened for a reason and has produced who you are today.
I invite you to free yourself, I invite you to accept your reality, I invite you to shed that voice in your head that It tells you that you are not worth as much as someone else. I offer you the opportunity to love yourself, to accept and laugh at your past mistakes. You are worth a lot and you are an unrepeatable treasure, your interior is who you are and you deserve acceptance and love.
The world is full of people dissatisfied with themselves, who try to be who they are not. Come on, be brave, forget your prejudices and celebrate your differences, celebrate the fact of being who you are and being that pinch of salt that improves the taste of the world. A kiss and that you are well!
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