LOVE YOURSELF Part II: Do you know yourself?
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thoughts love part ii know

LOVE YOURSELF Part II: Do you know yourself?

LOVE YOURSELF Part II: Do you know yourself?

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LOVE YOURSELF Part II: Do you know yourself?

LOVE YOURSELF Part II: Do you know yourself? Hello, thank you for your visit. Today I want to continue with the topic that I started a while ago about self-love. In this occasion I will refer to the point of knowing yourself. Every effort to improve and increase our self-esteem is based on this knowledge, who you are is more important than what you have and anything else about you.

Who are you really?

This is a very important question, it is perhaps the most important you can ask yourself on the subject of self-love. It is necessary to know who you are to be able to accept yourself as you are, with your defects and your virtues. What would be your answer to this question? Ill give you an example: Luisa (fictitious name) works as a pharmacist in a city pharmacy, and to this question she answers: I am a pharmacist, but I tell you, thats what you work on, but who are you? I am a Christian, to which I reply, that is your religious belief, but I want to know who you are? I am the mother of two children and the wife of a good man, and I answer, I am very happy to know that you have a nice family, but you still have not answered me who you really are ... Now, this hypothetical situation is trying to put you to think that you are not really your profession, if one day you stopped doing or practicing your profession, you would still be yourself.

You are NOT who you are based on your family, if for some reason you lost your family, you would still be you. So who are you really? In reality, the answer is found in your first years of life, in your childhood. The answer is found in that child who had no knowledge about professions, about families, about mortality. That time when you did what you liked and said what you thought, without fear of reproach and without worrying about what they would think of you if you were wrong. That is your essence, that is your true self. Many people call him the INNER CHILD, and he is really a child, he is the child that you will never cease to be, even though you may have forgotten deep within your adult life. Thats the kid you need to rescue and play with again and tell him that you love him and miss him in your life. Trust me, you can talk to that inner child and tell him what you want.

Inner child? Im not going...

If you want to really enjoy your life, if you want to really appreciate what you have, if you really want to take advantage of the little gifts that God gives you and not lose them in exchange for materialism, what you need is to accept and know the person you were at the beginning of your life. life, before your life with its problems and demands happened to you. That child has your most hidden tastes and your forgotten desires, what you really like to do is what that inner child of yours would like to do with you.

This world forces us to change

In this world you are what you have, you are your job, you are who you go out with. It is a great lie that promises you happiness, but once you get that job, once you achieve that good or social position, then your joy lasts very little, because you realize that to continue feeling happy you must achieve more things, you need a better job, you must date someone better. In other words, it will never be enough and you will always feel frustrated. It is the world of materialism.

Is it bad to own things and want to progress?

On the contrary, fighting for your dreams and obtaining them is very satisfying. The secret is to do it because you enjoy it, because it amuses you, because it is what your inner child wants to do. If you become an architect, it is because your inner child used to play to build buildings, now you can do them for real. If your motivation to achieve things is because you do not like who you currently are, I tell you, that is the path to hopelessness. Fight for your dreams, but love yourself, enjoy reaching the goal, but do not forget to enjoy the path to that goal. Live and play with your inner child, let him guide you on what you really want in your life, and when you achieve it, feel no guilt, feel satisfied and fulfilled.


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